Single Use Replenishment (SUR?): A comprehensive planning solution for recognizing and servicing demand spikes in your supply chain? today! In my earlier blog post, Why are we busy pushing? Pull your plants for a LEANER Supply Chain…Today , I concluded that no one wants to build to forecast, but most of us do exactly that. I also argued that you don?t have to be in a perfect LEAN state to build to customer demand. You can do this in your own environment, starting today. You don?t have to accept the inefficiencies of building to forecast?there really is a better way. In another blog post, Can You Plan Using Push and Execute Using Pull?, I explained why it is necessary for us to employ a different planning method in a demand-driven, pull or LEAN environment. Solutions like LEAN PLANNER? scan the planning horizon and calculate the buffer size (KANBAN/ROP) for the entire time horizon. You now have a dynamic LEAN plan that adjusts itself to the changing demand profile. You can see dependent demand across all the levels of product structure on supply chain nodes that are managed entirely by pull. Variability is the biggest enemy of a LEAN supply chain.

Why are we busy pushing?

Pull your plants for a LEANER Supply Chain?Today!

At one of my supply chain conference meetings I asked the audience if they would prefer to build to forecast and ?push? the product to their customers or wait for customers to ?pull? and then build. To my surprise, not a single person chose the former. Everyone was in favor of building to customer demand.

?So how many of you in fact build to customer demand?? I asked.